Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I get frustrated when trying to dress for work sometimes because of all of the dress-code rules, one main one being no bare shoulders (heaven forbid). Its summer, I don't want to always have to wear a sweater, and I don't always have a sweater that matches what I want to wear. My solution for this outfit was to mix'n'match. Who says you cant wear floral with stripes..with a woven belt..with boots?
Sweater, Dress, Belt, Necklace, Sunglasses(below)-Forever21|Boots-Charlotte Russe|Watch-United Way fundraiser

Another crazy work rule...we have to wear panty hose (eeek)

PS Im really going to work on my photo quality...I'm pretty sure the filter I used is causing the poor quality (you would think as a designer I would get my act together...I'm working on it, promise!)

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